
BCTC Steel Tree Competition - 17/09/2021 to 18/09/2021

Our team placed 1st amongst 7 teams in this competition. We won a total cash prize of 300 Euro. This competition was organized by the Board of European Students of Technology, Delft (BEST). The winning structure was proposed to be constructed on campus by 'Reijrink Staalconstructie B.V' as part of the competition. The challenge was to design a Steel Connections Tree in 2 days, including calculations of 6 of those connections using IDEA Statica. The assessment was based on four aspects: educational story (of each connection to represent a learning aspect), calculations, practicability and aesthetics.

Prathamesh from the Industrial Design Faculty worked on the model of the tree on Revit. George and I worked on the analysis and calculations. Junaid naturally adopted the role of team leader and along with Syed, worked on the computational modelling of each connection on the IDEA Statica software.

With the idea of having the structure built on campus for viewings for school children, we envisioned a sitting platform on the bottom branch for passers-by, a small garden on the second branch from the bottom and the rest to represent use cases of beams from industrial sheds, railway foot-over bridges and high-rise buildings, as an example for viewers.

Idea to Startup Course: IT & AI (TPM411A) - February to April, 2024

This is a course offerred at the Technology Policy and Management Faculty of TU Delft that I am taking up as an elective. It is about forming a business idea or taking an existing idea to form a viable startup business model with suitable team members and using well-formulated business concepts that we learn throughout the course. More information about the course can be found here.

This is a presentation from my team and I about our customer discovery progress.

U-BASE Media Committee - September, 2021 to September, 2022

I was involved with the U-BASE Association, particularly within the media committee during the academic year of 2021 to 2022. My role involved taking photographs and videos at the events, doing editing work at the office and compiling them for the website. I also regularly attended the informative lunch lectures, company visits and member events throughout the year.

Here is a video I made as part of the association recap of quarter 3 of 2021-2022. I used Adobe Premier Pro for the editing of the video. The sound was a simple chord progression recorded on Logic Pro. Special thanks to my friend Jerry for helping me with the equipment and recording.

I automated the process of logo input on the photos using simple code in Python, which can be found here.